Monday, March 4, 2013


Hello, haven’t blogged in a long time, so here’s an update:

I no longer live on a farm. I live in an apartment. There are many, many cats, including a very large one named Mouse who I’ve taken a shine to-I can barely resist the urge to give him treats, which is probably why he’s so plump-his cuteness means he likely is fed by more than one neighbor (ever read “Six Dinner Sid”? 90% sure this cat is similar.)

My fiancĂ© and I now consider ourselves married and refer to each other as spouses, though we are not legally married for a few reasons, and no, I don’t wish to go into detail explaining, thanks. :P Relationship wise, we’re fine (great even, as always), but our lives have been a bit (understatement) rough lately due to the passing of his grandmother, immediately followed by the declining health of his mother, who, at best, has a couple weeks to live. Chris (my husband) has been giving power of attorney, which is a huge burden for someone his age (or anyone, really, but especially someone who’s still in his early 20s), but I understand why his mother gave that responsibility to him-if there’s anyone in this world you can trust, it’s Chris.

It’s been hard to him keep up with classes (I’m not taking any this semester) and for both of us to keep up with activism with all the things going on-I was elected VP of Outreach for a student org and I’m trying my best to stay active in that. To make matters worse, though this is petty compared to the rest, I seem to have dislocated or maybe even broken my arm, and due to all that’s going on, haven’t been able to get it x-rayed (the place my GP told me to go to closes early afternoon, making it hard to get to in time with our schedule-don’t get me wrong, my GP is great, I just wish he could send me to a place that wasn’t near impossible to find time to get to for even people with a typical life schedule (whatever that is) let alone ours.) I hope if it is broken they don’t have to do that thing where they re-break it as it’s been so long since the injury.

I’d like to do more updates on the general activism I’ve been involved in, or do more book reviews, or more shitty late-night ‘philosophical’ rambles, but that’ll have to wait for a later date. Stay tuned, hopefully I can actually keep my word this time and update this blog regularly.