Sunday, December 18, 2011

Introduction, somewhat self absorbed, rambly vlog.

So, I haven't used this blog since 2010, apparently, and only once then. So, I'm going to give it another go.

Introduction-I am Francis. I live on a farm. I am, however, not a farmer, unless you mean of the funny variety *laughs maniacally* ...ahem.

I go to uni part time, this uni being VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University-you know, the one that got into the Final Four in basketball but got beaten by Butler? Yeah, them.)where I am hoping to become a Spanish Major/Latin American history minor. My fiancé also goes there-he's majoring in Anthropology/History with a minor in Spanish. We're both involved in many on-campus activist groups, and Quidditch (well, I play, he enjoys to company.)

I grew up in Richmond, Virginia-or rather, the suburbs directly south. The first thing I wanted to be was an astronaut, but then I switched to going for major league baseball. I played baseball and softball until age 11, when a series of injuries left me unable to play sports for many years, until I briefly took up paintball and more recently, Quidditch. Also did horseback riding, but horses hate me. Not like, "oh, they can sense your fear." Horses genuinely dislike me. One had a grudge for God knows what reason-he once tried to bite my face off. Like, nom. Oddly, I still love horses, they're beautiful animals-but they aren't such a fan of me.

Back on topic (there's a topic?). After baseball was out, I switched to theatre, which I really enjoyed. Had to change schools about two years in to a theatre program, and the drama teacher at my new school was...well...insane. And not in the drama teacher, charming way. She would never show up to rehearsals, and spent most of her time listening to Justin Timberlake in her office. Nothing against 50-some year olds listening to whatever they chose, but there's a point where it becomes unhealthy, especially when you're supposed to be teaching.

Anyway, I graduated from that POS school and went to community college, where I met my fiancé. Had to drop out due to medical reasons (it's complicated), when I started going to VCU part time. VCU was nothing like community college or high school...unlike those, there was actually, you know, a community. I know VCU is relatively unknown besides being in the Final Four, but it's actually quite lovely. And by that I mean the people there are completely crazy-this time I mean it as a compliment.

Now...well...the past two years, I've really just been doing volunteer work, studying languages (forgot to mention-I'm a huge language nerd.), gaming, and internet-ing. I seem to gradually be becoming more interested in music, instead of just following what's in the top 40 charts, genuinely getting an interest. I'm definitely not a musician, though. I can play guitar-ish. And I've been told my singing is alright. But that's about it. And as far as life goes, currently I want to work with nonprofits and promote fair trade in Latin America and elsewhere.

Yep. That's about it. I know this vlog is rambly and a bit too self-focused, but I figured I'd get the introduction out of the way first. I apologize if it wasn't exactly exciting-I'll come up with better ideas eventually-I hope.

Any questions, my fellow humanoids? Ask in the comments. :)

PS: Currently addicted to Skyrim. Anyone else play?