Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nerdfighterlife-It begins. (BEDA)

So, VEDA has gotten off to a rough start for me. I meant to post a video every day this April, but I don't think I have time in the next 30 minutes. I'm going to make a vlog tomorrow though.

For those of you that don't know me (and most probably don't) I'm Francis, formerly Francis9105 on youtube. I just started a new channel simply because I disliked the old name-it just seemed too generic.

I currently live in central Virginia. I'm engaged to nerdfighter Chris, (CBAChris on youtube), a fellow vlogger and language nerd.

Currently my life is on standby as I'm taking a semester of from college, but am starting up again in the summer. I'm a Spanish major, though my career will hopefully be in writing (I just really love learning languages, and, hey, if writing doesn't work out immediately, I have something to fall back on).

This year I'm trying to complete the 50-book challenge.I haven't exactly gotten far yet. I've reread some of Tamora Peirce's books, but not much else.

What else? I'm a member of DFTBAtheChat, a nerdfighter chat and youtube collab. The majority of my friends I met in the chat, or through some other internet-related thing (the ning or youtube, for the most part).

I need to post this before midnight, so I better quit writing and hit "publish" (=